By Marley
You must love dogs. You can’t help feeling like a special person when a dog picks you out of the crowd to come to sit for a scratch. Or when you return home from a hard day at the office to one happy wagging tail. Dogs are loyal, barks at running leaves, dig holes, chase the cats and they chew our stuff but we still love them. You get so many different breeds but you know your dog is your dog. He loves you unconditionally too.
Or maybe you are highly allergic or a cat is the one and only for you. Either way, you will love what the Bowsie Foundation is for.
Shortstraw is a band from Johannesburg who has made their beachy vibe onto the South African music scene since their hit “Bikini Weather“. Fast forward a few years and their latest album “Those Meddling Kids” have been gaining old and new fans around their speakers. The 5th song from the album “Bowsie” is set to pull your heartstrings a bit, especially if you have dogs.
Bowser was Alistar Thomas, vocalist and guitarist of Shortstraw, dog. Over the years the band adopted Alistar’s dogs, Bowser and Killah as the band mascots. But last year, Bowser or Bowsie crossed the rainbow bridge while the band was on tour in Europe. Hence the song “Bowsie” brings a dedication to this amazing band mascot dog.
But don’t let the story stop there. Shortstraw decided to start a charity named the Bowsie Foundation, this is their way to help animal charities. Montego Pet Nutrition got on board with the release of the band’s latest video “Bowsie”. They will donate R1 for every view the video receives for the first 15 days of its release. So if they get 15 000 views in the first 15 days that’s R15 000 to donate to animal charities. The video was released on 6 January 2017 and today it is standing over 5 000+ views, they need 10 000 more.
And now you are thinking “I don’t have money after Christmas. My credit card is maxed out”. Listen, friend, you just need to watch the video we posted above, that’s it. Your view on YouTube can help a puppy out. Really simple. And it’s Shortstraw, their music is perfect for any day really.
The video itself is pretty kief, the band performs in a dog house. All the posters behind them are dog related. They even show off their own dogs and cat, it’s typical Shortstraw style as well. Humour is a big saviour.
So for the love of dogs whenever you have one or not. If you are missing your fur friend who has crossed the rainbow bridge or the one waiting at home for you. No allergic pills needed, just your eyes and ears. Get more info by clicking on Bowsie Foundation.