By Marley
2020 is one year the world will truly never forget. With the crazy time that revolves around the Covid-19 virus breakout, the world as we know it has changed. The music industry came to complete standstill with events, international concerts and festivals being cancelled left, right and centre. Innibos here in humble Nelsprata was up to 30 April still planned to go ahead in June. This, however, has now officially changed.
Innibos, which is usually held in the June school holidays have now been moved to December 2020. Which is welcomed because a summer festival is something to look forward to.

Innibos 2019
(photo by Small Town Music Blog)
Andy Lubbe, director of Innibos, says the uncertainty regarding public functions necessitated the decision. “We want to act in a pro-active way and do everything possible to ensure that Innibos can continue, even if it has to be shortened by a day or two. Arts festivals are not only the bread of butter of artists but also of several related industries as well as having a huge economic benefit to the local community.”
And Innibos really does bring a lot to the Lowveld community. It creates part-time jobs and has pumped an average of R85 million over the years back into the community. It brings in people from all over South Africa and our small city buzzes for weeks on end when Innibos fever hits. It will be strange not to have Innibos in June of this year but we at Small Town Music welcomes it.

Innibos 2018
(photo by Small Town Music)
According to Lubbe the new date for the festival is 10 to 13 December should the schools close on the 9th as planned. If the December school holiday is postponed, the festival dates will move accordingly. “The programme will have to be tweaked; however we are focussed to still create a festival of the highest standard. As the income and leave of many people will be limited, Innibos will do its utmost best to create a vibrant and value added event.”
The pandemic is no reason to lose hope, says Lubbe. “We see this as an opportunity and challenge to come up with creative solutions to ensure the best possible festival in this challenging time.”
But in the same breath, IF large gatherings still are banned by December, the festival might be cancelled. Let’s hope it won’t be and that this crazy time also shall pass. One thing about South Africans we are resilient people, unique to this world. And we are strong.

Innibos 2019
(photo by Small Town Music Blog)
The big benefit of attending Innibos in December is fewer jackets to carry with at night. The chance of rain is a lot higher but its summer then. Summer in the Lowveld is hot and humid, we are not going to lie. BUT! It’s one of the best times to be here. The bushveld is green and lush. The birdlife is insane and it’s a good relaxed vibe.
Follow Innibos on Facebook and Instagram for more information to be released on this year’s edition. Keep on following the standard rules for the Covid-19 outbreak. We can do this!